Our Mission

EverScholar brings intellectually curious people “back to college” for an immersive intellectual experience characterized by depth, challenge, excellence, and joy. Participants profoundly reconnect with the life of the mind through enthusiastic academic engagement – at the highest level – and thus leave an EverScholar program as part of a new community, and renewed commitment to open-minded discourse and lifelong learning.

EverScholars and our faculty share their sense of EverScholar’s essence and impact.

In programs which range from weekends to two weeks, EverScholar participants “return to college” and plunge into intensive and profound study of a timeless subject. We live together in sites selected for the particular course experience, eat together, have access to great educational and cultural institutions’ resources and wonders – from museums to site tours to notable libraries and much more. You will receive your readings well before the program, so you can prolong the learning and anticipation through the months ahead of the in-person experience. You will emerge from the week not only feeling “more educated,” perhaps in a way you have not experienced for many years, but also energized, determined to continue to integrate the life of the mind into your life beyond our program. Program fees include classes, meals, readings (books are sent to you), and special activities (our longer programs include lodging and all programs offer it).

RECONNECT via EverScholar

How many of us yearn to feed the intellectual thirst that goes unquenched in the day-to-day of our lives? We think back to our days at college fondly, but – with the perspective of years – perhaps regretting that we missed the chance to fully embrace the wisdom and passion of incredible professors and peers. Here is your chance to do it again (without papers and grades!), and to do it right.

After graduation, we may return to college for reunions, football, perhaps to see our children at our alma mater. But in a sense, we are outside the world of learning, observing it, remembering it. At EverScholar, “All these treasures will be yours, once again.” You will feel the thrill of abundance once again – intellectual, interpersonal, architectural, and more.

EverScholar leaders have extensive experience running programs which have been consistently rated a fantastic success by its participants. Consider that over 50% of those who took such programs – on a wide range of topics – returned for another (and more, in many cases). This is no passive, anonymous seat in a lecture hall. Our courses are entirely seminar-based, with the world’s best professors sharing the week with you – in class, at your meals, and at special events that go beyond the classroom.

ENRICH yourself through EverScholar

EverScholar embodies the values of the world’s greatest and most famous courses:

  • Seminar Format
  • Great readings enhance the months leading up to the course

  • Foundational learning through Great Books and other primary sources
  • Interdisciplinary, humanistic approach to fundamental issues
  • Guest professors who offer unique perspectives

Watch and listen to a lead professor speak about his experience.

EverScholar –

A Complete Experience

EverScholar is so much more than the usual “continuing education” program – far beyond a passive classroom.

Great Reading

A real intellectual exploration awaits you in the months leading up to your course.  This is no abridged or simplified reading list; great, challenging readings will prepare you to really learn.

The Seminar Classroom

Limited to about 20 students, the exchange of ideas is exhilarating. Here is where that reading pays off, with the world’s greatest teachers – and students.

The Greatest Professors

Unparalleled access and contact with “Our heroes” – in and out of class, all week long!

Learning “Where it Happens

The pure joy of being a part of the academic experience again, as you spend your EverScholar days with a profound purpose: to learn, from everything the program’s site has to offer.

Special Events

Private access to the world’s intellectual treasures, guided by the incredible experts that dedicate themselves to learning in every corner of their museum or other cultural resource. The things you missed when you were a student before, now are before you, not just to see, but to learn from.

Guest Professors

The incredible richness and depth of the world’s greatest faculty bring their expertise to the classroom and to informal discussion over meals with you – a new world-class leader every day, in addition to (and teaming up with) our stellar lead faculty.

Your Classmates

Your new Community. Share the challenge, the camaraderie, the exhilaration and the excellence. At the end of this intense week, you will have forged a bond that will endure beyond the program.

Our Courses

EverScholar courses are unique – relentlessly interdisciplinary, ambitious, timeless, rigorous, extraordinary. We study the biggest questions through the lens of a particular course’s focus, always challenging student and faculty alike. You have never done anything like this before.

Listen to Andy Lipka respond to a question: Who is the “ideal” EverScholar participant?