EverScholar, your home for intensive, intellectually rigorous, active learning, announces a series of online small-class seminars with the same world-class caliber of faculty we are known for!

NOTE:  All seminars have been completed.  We will post videos of some of the seminar sessions in the near future for your reference and enjoyment.

Our faculty, in a wonderful demonstration of caring for all of you, and to help spread the word and further the EverScholar mission during this time of pandemic, are donating their time to this effort – allowing EverScholar to offer these seminars free of charge!

Furthermore, because our commitment to participatory learning continues even during this crisis, class size will be limited. All seminars will be under 25 persons, and some special seminars will be even more intimate, with as few as 9 scholars in some cases! We can do this because our faculty have committed to in many cases teaching multiple sessions of the same topic, allowing more people to have this opportunity while providing the very best experience.

Many of you know EverScholar well and will jump at this opportunity. We welcome you! To do your part along with our faculty and volunteer Board, please share this wealth with persons you know who will appreciate these treasures as well. They are welcome, too!

All our seminars have the curated, fascinating reading that is integral to every EverScholar in-person course (be assured, those courses will continue as soon as we are able to be together again). The volume of reading is much less than our full on-site courses demand. Of course, the commitment of all our scholars to doing the reading in advance – in all EverScholar programs – remains. For those of you new to EverScholar – these are seminars, wherein the best experience for all comes from the preparation and participation of all. Enjoy this wonderful reading ahead of the seminar, and we will all benefit! In all our online seminars, we are providing most or all of the reading free of charge to participants.

It might sound too good to be true – fascinating seminars with the absolute top professors, great reading chosen by those faculty, engaged fellow scholars – all without charge. There is no catch – but there is an ask…

What do we ask, then?

  • Sign up for seminars that you will attend – space is limited, and you are welcome to it
  • Bring your intellectually curious friends along with you – spread the word on EverScholar.
  • Do the reading ahead of the seminar
  • Be engaged during the seminar and afterwards. Bring your perspective, your knowledge, your curiosity!

Seminars will be conducted using the Zoom platform. In some cases, our professors will record videos of themselves giving an introductory and background talk; you will have access to this and should view it before the seminar. You will receive readings after you register.

If you are unfamiliar with the use of Zoom for participating in seminars, we will hold “tech sessions” a couple of days before seminars for those who need it, so that you will be confident that you can connect when the actual seminar takes place.

When seminars fill, we will maintain wait lists.

To register for any seminar where registration is open, go to the main page for that seminar and fill out the form on that page. You may register for more than one seminar.

Let the excitement begin!